muse: emma

In last week's fashion blogger study, my pick of the week goes to Emma from A Beautiful Mess. I'm such a big fan of her and her sister's blog. They are ultimate blogger queens! They combine DIY fashion, crafts, and cook yummy goodies all on their blog. They're extremely creative.. and that's what I love about them. They are definitely role models of mine.  I love their fashion mixology concept. They take 8 pieces of clothing and create 8 different looks. I mean, I don't know about you, but since I've started working, I've been finding it kinda hard to pick out my wardrobe every day and every week. And I find myself repeating my outfits... ughh I hate that! But then again, I did just get complimented today and was told I dress well.. :) I guess I'm looking for a way to make my style a little more interesting.. and different than yesterdays look! Anyway, last week I drew up quick sketches of mini muses dedicated to Emma in my little notebook! I usually do most of my sketches at my desk at work during my lunch break. I know some people hate having lunch at their desks, but if I'm there sketching, then I zone out completely :).


xx ss